Your New Account

Dear Paul,

Thank you for choosing WebFusion, the premier web hosting solution.

We have now activated your web hosting account -

We hope to deliver the highest quality service at all times. Your new shared hosting account is hosted on a Dual Pentium Processor Server with 1 GB of RAM and multiple 36GB fast SCSI hard disk, your server is secured in our high security data centre and is backed up by high power uninterruptible power supplies.

Please remember that it can take two or three days for your domain name to be activated, it takes this long as all the other internet servers in the world have to recognise your domain name.

So that you can start using your new shared hosting account straight away we have included details below on how to use your WebFusion account.

Best Wishes,

The WebFusion Hosting Team. WebFusion's new service allows you to register domain names at the lowest prices available in the world today! domain names cost as little as £5.18 for two years and .com domain names are available from £7.69 per year, with every domain name we include these features free of charge:-

  • Web Forwarding (3 types!)
  • Catch All E-mail Forwarding
  • Up to 100 E-mail Forwarding Addresses
  • Free Home Page Wizard
  • Change Name Servers
  • Change IPS TAG (UK domains)
  • No release fee (some charge £19)
  • Full Online Domain Management
  • Submit Your Web Site to 10 Search Engines
These prices also apply when you take out a new domain name with your WebFusion web hosting account.

Why not register a domain name today, visit our site:-

Prices excludes VAT, full details available on

Connecting to Us

Connecting to your new shared hosting account is easy. To upload files to your shared hosting account you would usually use an FTP programme, FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. It is a way of uploading your web site to your shared hosting account.

If you don't already have an FTP client then you may download a shareware copy of WS-FTP from Ipswitch Software.

Once downloaded you should install WS-FTP on your machine following the instructions from Ipswitch.

Once installed select the option to create a new FTP account. You should then enter the details outlined below:-

Create a FTP Site With Name:

Host Name or IP Address:

User ID: bluesky1

Password: Enter the password that you received in your welcome e-mail

Click "Save Password" and then "Finish"

If you now click "OK" you will be connected to your Virtual Web Server.

You will now be able to see a number of files and directories, you will only be interested in the "public_html" directory. This is the directory where you will store all your html files and images.

The main page of your web site should be called index.html or index.htm (all lower case). Your index file is the first page people will see when they go to

Connecting to Us - For FrontPage Users

Connecting to your new shared hosting account is easy using Microsoft FrontPage software. To use Microsoft FrontPage to publish your site you will have chosen to install FrontPage Extensions on your shared hosting account.

Here is how to publish your new virtual server using Microsoft FrontPage:-

  • Open FrontPage from your start menu
  • Enter your web address as and click OK
  • FrontPage will now contact the server
  • Enter your username (bluesky1) and password (provided in your welcome e-mail)
  • FrontPage will now publish your site to the web
Your E-mail Settings

Collecting your e-mail from your shared hosting account is simple and only takes a few minutes to setup.

We would recommend that you use Microsoft Outlook Express, if you don't have a copy of this then you may download a copy from the Microsoft Site.

First of all launch Outlook Express and select "Tool" from the top menu, once you have done this select "Accounts". You are now at a screen that allows you to setup a new POP3 account (a POP3 account is an account that stores mail on the server).

On the right hand side of the screen that has appeared there is a button which says "Add", click this and select "Mail" from the list. You are now in the "Add a new mail box wizard". The details to enter in each box are below:-

Display Name: Enter your real name here

E-mail Address: (you may enter in this box)

Incoming Mail (POP3 or IMAP) Server: ( once your domain name is registered or transferred to us)

Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server: ( once your domain name is registered or transferred to us)

Account Name: bluesky1

Password: Enter the password that you received in your welcome e-mail

To make your outgoing mail server work you must now enter some additional information, on the screen you are still on (Internet Accounts) click "Properties" for the account you have just setup.

Now click the "Servers" tab at the top of the screen and tick the box at the bottom of the screen under "Outgoing Mail Server" that says "My server requires authentification".

Now click "Ok" and then "Close".

You are now ready to receive e-mails on your shared hosting account!

MyServerWorld 10.0

MyServerWorld is a unique tool that is included with your virtual web server, it allows you to control your account with WebFusion.

Using MyServerWorld you can read your mail on-line, edit and manage your files, install scripts to make your web site more interactive, monitor your bandwidth and disk usage and change your e-mail settings.

You may access MyServerWorld at:-

You will be required to enter your username (bluesky1), your domain ( and the password you received in your welcome e-mail.

Your Web Statistics

Your web statistics are available from MyServerWorld, simply login to your MyServerWorld and select "Web Site Statistics" from the menu.

Our Support Site

We have spent a lot of effort designing a support site that answers the most frequently asked questions that we receive. We would ask that you always check the support site before contacting the WebFusion Support team.

Our support site is located at:-

Contacting WebFusion Support Team

You may contact the WebFusion Support Team through MyServerWorld, all support requests must come from MyServerWorld for security reasons.

To contact the Support Team login to MyServerWorld and select "Support". From the form on this page you may contact the Support TEam and ask then any questions that you could not resolve from visiting the WebFusion support site.

General Information

Our system is SeNsItIvE to upper and lower case.

When you upload any perl, html, CGI or txt files then you should do so in ASCII Mode, zip files and images files should be uploaded in binary mode.

Files that include Server Side Includes (SSI) must end in the .shtml extension.

Please keep your password safe so that other people may not access your files.